Every writer should start in broadcasting. When you have to write two
five-minute newscasts every hour, four hours per day, six days per week
-- while also conducting and editing interviews -- you learn to be fast.
And, when management cuts those newscasts to 98 seconds and still expects
you to deliver the day’s top news, sports, weather and traffic,
you learn to be good. And you learn to appreciate the value of every single
Jan loves words, and it shows.
Her writing talent has led to a long list of awards
and, much more importantly, the praise of happy clients.
She doesn’t know a fullback from a hockey puck, but Jan is one
of the best coaches around when it comes to communications. She has
worked with Fortune 500 executives on presentations, helped New Yorkers
understand Midwesterners, and taught hundreds of people how to give
a great interview.
Jan specializes in one-on-one
coaching, and is known for her ability to both critique and praise top
You learn more when you’re having fun. Research has proven it, and
Jan embraces it. Her presentations on creativity, writing and mentoring
can be used as a jump-start for your team or as a reward – and the
rewards for your company will be immediate. Want
a presentation preview? Look here:


Creative Chai e-book

