
Jan HarnessJan Sokoloff Harness is the award-winning creative force behind Sokoloff Harness Communications, the firm she launched in 2002. If you need to give her a title, she’s the Chief Creative Instigator, owner, President, CEO and CEB. (Take a guess.)

In all her roles, Jan brings a special blend of innovative energy and strategic smarts to her clients, her colleagues and every single project.

And she’s had some amazing projects.

During her years in communications, Jan has written for Doonesbury, promoted Yoko Ono, and guided Desmond Tutu around town. She has interviewed movie stars, killers and kids. She has written everything from annual reports to PSAs, from calendars to brochures, from ad campaigns to bookmarks. She has it covered from A-Z. Believe us. Or better yet, take a look.

Jan is respected for her unflinching strategic counsel; fast, accurate and on-target copy; and the rare ability to boost creativity, teamwork and performance with clients that range from Fortune 500 companies to non-profit organizations.

She’s also known for her laugh and her sense of humor. Because life is short, and so is she.

Jan’s professional background includes lengthy stints as: Creative Director, Blades & Associates; Communications Consultant, Corporate Communications Group; Assistant Director, UMKC Office of University Communications; and News Director, KUDL-FM 98 and WHB-710 AM.

All that experience has given Jan fun, illustrative stories to share during presentations: She has great sessions on creativity, writing and mentoring.

A long-time community advocate, Jan has served on committees and boards for the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault, the Women’s Employment Network, Bridging the Gap, the Substance Abuse Center of Eastern Kansas, and the Johnson County Coalition for the Prevention of Child Abuse.

She earned her APR (accredited in public relations) designation, but prefers not to use acronyms that confuse her banking clients. And everyone else.

Jan is a published poet, a member of the Writer’s Place, a novelist-in-progress, the mother of two really cool daughters who still talk to her, and a proud graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism. However, some of her best friends are Jayhawks. Well, maybe not her best friends …


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